What will you be doing for earth day this year?
This year, I'm working from home (saving on commute) and I'll snuggle up with a book instead of watching TV.
The Toronto Green Living Show was last weekend just ahead of earth day this year.
Once again it was a great show. Showcasing healthy living and green living items.
Here are a couple of highlights for me this year.
Highway of Heroes Tribute - Great initiative to plant trees for every fallen Canadian coldier since Confederation along the stretch of highway between CFB Trenton to Toronto. Definitely go check out their website and facebook to monitor their progress. It's a 5 year project so lots of time to get involved! They're pretty full for Spring planting already. If you would like to get involve, fall is their next target.
Dalcini Stainless - Stainless steel tupperware. I was really hoping they would have double walled products as that's something I've been looking for but that's currently in design. They currently have single walled products which is great for cold items for kids to pack their lunch in. I'm keeping my eye on them for the doublewalled products that can keep food warm.
Harmony Organic - This year I had a chance to chat with the people at the booth at Harmony Organics to understand more about their farm practices, the feed they use, the lifestyle of their cows. It's great to know that their feed practice is very similar to Rolling Meadows where the cows are grass fed above 90% of their feed. Very little of it is grain. I like the fact that they have 4L bags, I'll be looking out for that. Oh the the glass bottle, it can be returned for refund on the bottle as it's reusable! I haven't seen that in so long, better then plastic but I like buying in bulk :(
Their yogurt was so yummy even without anything added to it. I'm pretty use to plain yogurt being sour, but I was surprised this one wasn't as sour and if you really concentrate you can even find a sweetness to it. The only thing in the ingredients list is milk and bacteria culture like it's suppose to be. And honestly it's only $3.99 at full price which seems really reasonable when I look at the cost of other organic brands. I will definitely be switching over to this yogurt and add my own fruits. The hot dogs and the breaded chicken was very tasty as well. I was surprised at how moist the chicken was. If you're looking for alternative products for all those processed food you remember growing up with, I think this is a great choice
This year I didn't find any booths giving out seeds or promoting seed saving which I was surprised at. The only place that had a booth with Toronto Master Garderner there gave away little cups of soil with a flower seed planted. But Urban Harvest was there again. Great to see them there.
Once again I spent a good half a day at the show. Lots of good stuff. Lots of fun. Totally encourage everyone to go to check things out next year to just learn more and get more ideas.
Categories: #Earthday2016
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