I think gardening posts might take over my blog.
Temperature right now is still around 3 degrees at overnight.
During the day it reaches the mid teens.
So it actually gets quite warm and can be steamy inside the polytunnel during the day.
I've started to lift the tunnel during the day to vent it so I don't cook anything.
On days I work from home, I wait until the sun is shining on the space to uncover completely.
On days I'm not at home, I try to uncover just a bit on a day where temperature varies or I take it completely off on a day where I know it'll be hot. Still need to use it over night, but I should be able to pack the frost blanket away now after I wash it next weekend.
A week seems to make an impact on the growth of things.
The first row of lettuce I sowed in mid April is starting to sprout it's real leaves this week.
The things I sowed on April 24th is starting to pop up.
The most noticeable is the second row of lettuce at the bottom of the picture to the left.
The carrots and beats are slowly coming. I'm still having a hard time figuring out if something was from the garden previously or my seeds in the areas I've been planting. I'm pretty sure I accidentally pulled out a beet seedling today...oops.
There's also something growing that seems suspiciously like bean sprouts. It's almost like some of the beans I used last year as fertilizer is actually growing...which is weird cause what I brought should have been boiled and blended up....so I'm at a complete what these are and where they came from.
The sugar snap pea is growing much slower then I had hoped.
In the picture below, the one to the right is the one that was transplanted. It's only grown an inch since it was transplanted.
The little bud on the left of the picture is the seed I directly sowed. It looks like it is starting to come up. So if this works out nicely, I'll have one plant after the other giving me peas :)
I'll probably transplant some more this week and try to start up some more seeds indoors.
Categories: Gardening
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