Thursday 3 April 2014

Posted by Aggie on Thursday 3 April 2014 No comments
 So you might have seen this in the supermarket and wondered what are they and how do you eat it.
Some find dragon fruits tasteless but I find them sweet.
They're also very easy to eat.

Because the fruits are imported from far away from where I live, I find that most of the time the fruit is a bit bland. I suppose it's one of those fruits that don't hold it's flavour as well. Once in a while, I'll get lucky and get one with more flavour and sweetness.
Hopefully just because it's picked before it's ripe doesn't make it lose too much nutritional value.

So how to choose the fruit?
Look for a fruit without spots and is not too hard and not too soft.
Unless you live in a country that grows the fruit, chances are most of them are on the harder side because they pick the fruit before it's ripe in order to ship it.
If it's squishy then it's probably bad.
I buy ones that are slightly soft to the touch and I find them sweeter.

The flesh and the seeds of the fruit is edible.
Cut the fruit into slices.
And then you can peel the skin away from the flesh to eat it :)


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