Friday 10 June 2016

Posted by Aggie on Friday 10 June 2016 No comments
Gardening really is one thing after another. Especially since I'm avoiding use of any pesticide and herbicides.

It turns out when the chipmunks dug up my bean seeds, they left behind some random seeds behind. No idea what they are but they sprouted! I had pockets of sprouts like this all over the garden.
Since I had no idea what they were, I had to dig them all up. I really prefer not to trade with the chipmunks. They should just keep their seeds.

I also have this plant growing that I think is a bean but I'm not positive because the chipmunks dug up my garden and ended up moving things around.

So now I actually have to wait and see to be sure of what it is....I hope it's not a weed or something bad that will take over my garden. I looked up pictures of the different beans I planted but I can't really find a picture of plant at this stage to compare.

To keep the chipmunks and rabbits out of my garden, I used a netting over the polytunnel tubes.
But now that the beans and peas are starting to climb, I had to lift it up. So the top is open by the side is still sort of covered to make it a little harder for them to get in.

I had to stretch it to go around the chayote area as well so the chipmunks and rabbits can't get in this way. I was originally going to buy chicken wire but I figured since I already had the netting, I might as well just use it. It's a little floppy so I have to get additional support to make it stand up. Other than that, it basically does the same job as the chicken wire.
One thing the netting doesn't do is keep the moths I found the 3 cabbage worms this week munching away.

I found it because I noticed a cabbage leaf was looking weird and upon closer inspection I realized that half of it was gone and I found the worm....the sucker really blends in. It was so hard to find it.
I'm so surprised at how fast they found my plants considering it wasn't a vegetable garden before.

So this weekend I'll have to go get some herbs and plant them around the garden or leave them in pots around the garden to hopefully keep the bugs out.
My plan is to buy rosemary, mint, sage and thyme to help keep the moths away.
Here's a link to a really good chart on companion planting with herbs. herb companions

I'm torn about the marigolds cause they keep pests away but rabbits love to eat I'm hesitant to attract more rabbits.
We'll see how things work with the herbs and then I'll go from there.


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